Visitgolfe Golfe de Saint-Tropez Tourisme

We are Parallax" exhibition

Grimaud Cultural Exhibition

Exhibition of photographs by the ‘We are parallax’ collective at the Musée du Patrimoine.

Tuesday 24 June 2025 at 7 pm.
From 25/06 to 07/09/2025.
Closed on Saturday.

Some human adventures are born of a meeting, a journey or a passion.

From these three situations was born the PARALLAX collective. Five photographers from different worlds and horizons have come together with the aim of crossing their views of the world, bringing together different sensibilities and reflecting together on the meaning of the photographic act. From New York to Bucharest, from Barcelona to Hanoi, from London to Saint-Etienne, the collective's images converge on common concerns and place the human being at the heart of their subject. The images are by turns documentary, cinematographic or purely artistic, through street photography, portraiture or reportage. WE ARE PARLLAX, five singular points of view, five reflections on the world.

Organised by the Culture and Heritage Department.