Visitgolfe Golfe de Saint-Tropez Tourisme

Theater: Mondial Closet

Sainte-Maxime Entertainment/recreation Theatre

At the crossroads of vaudeville, marivaudage and gender transvestism, Mondial Placard is a piquant comedy anchored in today's reality which multiplies misunderstandings and incredible situations.

Saturday 3 May 2025 at 8.30 pm.

Pure entertainment crowned with the 2023 Théâtre Prize from the Barrière Foundation, a pretext to cleverly address divisive themes through humor, lightness and impertinence.

"Mondial Placard", what a funny title!? Invented by the author and director Côme de Bellescize, it hides its game well! The name given to a company, it is also the symbol of discrimination against women by male executives in the merciless world of business. Because when a woman is appointed to a director position, the entire management collapses, the entire staff goes off the rails... Between the desires of some and the ambitions of all, the intrigues and the tripping, the life of the company is completely turned upside down. Starting from this laboratory of human relations, Côme de Bellescize examines with humor and a real sense of repartee the little joys of some and the misfortunes of others, jealousy, boasting and even stupidity. As if we can laugh at everything, even laugh bitterly, when the subject matter is well-timed, when situations drawn from reality play into the play of theater, when actors compete in talent. When boulevard theater "articulates pleasure and thought, entertainment and intelligence."

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