Visitgolfe Golfe de Saint-Tropez Tourisme

Stèle en hommage aux armées libératrices et à la Brigade des Maures

La Croix-Valmer Historic site and monument 20th C

While this stele celebrates the liberation of La Croix-Valmer by the Allied armies, it also honors the actions of the Brigade des Maures, underlining the decisive role played by the Resistance's internal forces during the Provence landings.

All year round, daily.

Placed in the square du souvenir, just a few meters from another stele dedicated to the 1st DFL, this one expresses the commune's gratitude to all soldiers who contributed to the fight for freedom, both Resistance fighters and allied armies.
Signed "M. Maurin - 1994", this irregular grey stone stele is inlaid with various insignia. In the center is the town's coat of arms, with its cross and umbrella pine. Below, 2 hands reach out towards each other. This ornament is reminiscent of the unity of all units that led to the success of Operation Dragoon, the union that made strength and victory possible.

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