Visitgolfe Golfe de Saint-Tropez Tourisme

La Croix des Maures

La Garde-Freinet Historic site and monument

The cross with the effigy of the Christ is one of the symbols of the village. The memory day is the 3rd May (St Cross's and St Clements Day, patron saint of the village.

All year round, daily.

The cross is 6 meters high. Legend says that Reverend Father Mathieu who ordered its setting up decided to put it in the direction of the Place Neuve, responding in this way to the anti-clerical climate of the time and targeting particularly the atheist owner of the biggest house of the village. He is told to have said to his opponent "until the end of your days you will have to face the Christ!".
The monument had also a less religious function: for years it was useful as lightning conductor before the rust damaged it. It was restored in 1978.

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